Universal Interior - Multi-Cam Mailbox Lock - Bright Nickel Finish (US14) (CCL-82010) - UHS Hardware
Universal Interior - Multi-Cam Mailbox Lock - Bright Nickel Finish (US14) (CCL-82010) - UHS Hardware

*Discontinued* CCL - Universal Interior - Multi-Cam Mailbox Lock - Bright Nickel Finish (US14) (CCL-82010)

Out of Stock
SKU: CCL-82010-delete
NSID: 1399

The Universal Interior Multi-Cam Mailbox Lock fits a majority of vertical and horizontal style mailboxes, includes both clip and nut for different mounting options. Key removable in locked position only. Supplied with selection of five cams, two keys, mounting nut, mounting clip, lock washer and cam screw. Thin face for interior use. If you are installing where weather could be an issue, please purchase model 82011 instead, which includes a thicker face and dust cover.

Compare to CompX C8730

This product is compatible with KMCML


  • Nut or clip mounted.
  • Key removable in locked position only.
  • Supplied with selection of five cams, two keys, mounting nut, mounting clip, lock washer and cam screw
