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Remote Keys vs. Regular Keys

by Kobi Ben 26 Aug 2022 0 Comments
Remote Keys vs. Regular Keys

All car owners should have fully functional and compatible car keys. After all, how can they drive vehicles without the one thing that operates the ride? It’s an essential item for all people who drive and travel to work. Nevertheless, innovations for car keys, such as remote keys, have been notable.


Currently, there is a wide variety of keys that can unlock vehicles. When people think of car keys, the most common item might be an actual metal key for the ignition. Since then, more innovative and functional keys have been able to control vehicles. Metal cut keys for cars are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Remote car keys are available to provide full-fledged functions to cars.


What are remote keys?


Remote car keys are still remote control devices for cars. Each car brand and model can be compatible only with one type of remote car key. On the other hand, many remote key models can cater to a wide range of car models.


Remote car keys are not small convenient devices that operate any car. It’s a device that has buttons presenting various functions for any car. These are some of the most common buttons or functions you can see in a remote key:


Start the vehicle


Remote car keys can power cars and compatible vehicles. As part of the wireless technology in vehicles, remote controls are slowly becoming more mainstream for owners. Newer car models may even only respond to their remote control and ensure higher levels of security with remote controls.


Unlock doors


Almost all remote keys contain an unlock button or an open padlock image on a specific button. You can open locked doors by pressing the unlock button on the remote key.


Lock doors


Closed padlocks or lock buttons are usually separate from the unlock buttons in a remote car key. The lock button is complementary to the unlock button in all remote devices. The function of both has the same advantage where you can control locking and unlocking mechanisms from a distance.


Panic button


Urgency is key in all types of emergencies. Luckily, some remote keys contain a panic button to set off the alarm mechanism of the car model. If drivers feel like they are in danger, they can press the panic button to activate loud alarm sounds that can inform people nearby.


Light switch


Luxury car remote keys contain a light switch button. This button enables the adjustment and switch of car lights from a distance.


Other functions


There are various functions from a remote car key, depending on the brand and the compatibility. To know other functions for any remote car keys, view some car key selections here.


What are regular keys?


Regular car keys are the classic, most standard car keys from previous decades. Regular keys are the metal keys you put into the ignition and turn. Once the key unlocks the ignition, the car starts.


Regular keys also open and close the car. However, you need to open the car manually using regular keys. You need to go around the car to unlock the doors and the trunk. 


Regular keys are the most manual way of operating cars. As more companies create vehicles every year, the classical ignition and regular key system are still present. Most cars still have a key slot to serve as an alternative way of operating the car.


Regular keys and remote keys are independent of one another. These keys serve as an option or preference for car owners.


Remote Keys vs. Regular Keys: What are the differences between the two car keys?


The regular keys and remote car keys are very different in appearance. Whereas regular car keys are metal keys with specific cuts, remote car keys are remote devices. Each key has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Depending on preference and convenience, you can choose one over the other for every car control.


Remote control


The most significant difference between the two keys is the remote operation. For remote car keys, you can already unlock/lock the cars from a distance. Imagine carrying large bags of groceries that you need to load inside the car. Remote car keys already open doors for you, which results in more convenient control of the vehicle.




Regular keys power the ignition and open the doors and car locks. However, most of its function revolves around these aspects of the vehicle. Regular keys don’t have buttons to set off alarms or adjust lights. Regular keys have less function than remote keys.


Which key is more beneficial for car owners?


Both types of car keys are beneficial for any car owner. Get both keys if you want to strategize and constantly prepare for the worst cases. Keep the regular keys as spare or alternative key sets if the remote keys break or don't work. Use remote car control keys for everyday use to increase the convenience and functionality of your ride.



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