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All About CY24 2-in-1 Pick

by Kobi Ben 29 Jul 2022 0 Comments
All About CY24 2-in-1 Pick

Door knobs and complicated locks aren’t the only things that can have lock issues. More often than not, most owners will also experience car lock issues. Since cars use multiple lock and key mechanisms, the moment you lose the car key, you can’t drive. This is one of the most common problems with misplaced car keys.


Locksmiths have a variety of tools for different occasions. There are more things that a locksmith carries around besides the basic locksmith set. Moreover, there are different types of professional locksmiths. It takes a different skill to unlock a car than to unlock a door. Auto locksmiths carry around a CY24 for car lock issues and complications.


What is a CY24 2-in-1 Pick?


A CY24 2-in-1 Pick is a tool for locksmiths to decode auto door locks. Each CY24 tool may be compatible with several vehicle brands and models. Other CY24 tools may handle a broader range and variety of vehicles. 


CY24 2-in-1 Pick has two benefits: the tool serves as a pick and decoder. The tool works with vehicles with a CY24/Y157/Y159 keyway. Moreover, the CY24 has a 5-depth wafer system.


If ever you lose your car key, call a professional locksmith to open the locks for you. These professionals will use a CY24 tool to unlock the vehicle locks. It will only take a short time to open the doors without its main keys. Using the CY24, you will only need 3 minutes to open the locks.


Limitations of some CY24 2-in-1 Pick


The CY24 is a handy and essential tool. However, the question ends, are all CY24 tools compatible with all vehicles? The answer is NO. The CY24 2-in-1 Pick only works for common vehicles like commercial vehicles.


Not all CY24 tools open all vehicles


The first limitation is that the CY24 is not compatible with trucks. If you lose the key to a truck or a big utility vehicle, most CY24 tools won’t work. Some specific CY24 models are specially made for bigger rides, such as trucks. 


Genuine Lishi is one of the most reputable brands for providing CY24 tools. The Genuine Lishi CY24 2-in1 Pick works only on a handful of car brands that don’t include trucks. For the Genuine Lishi CY24 2-in1 Pick, the tools open typical car models from Chrysler, Jeep, Mitsubishi, Dodge, Eagle, Maserati, and Plymouth vehicles.

Using CY24 requires skills


The next limitation is that it takes some skill and a learning curve to decode car locks. Having the CY24 tool is not enough. It takes some time to use the device and ensure it unlocks car locks. 


It’s still a good idea to call car locksmiths who can work the locks using a CY24 pick and decoder. In this way, you are sure that you don’t waste any time trying to open locks. Worse, you may damage the locks and the CY24 tool by trying to open locks by yourself.


It’s necessary to pick the lock first. Once locksmiths successfully pick the lock, they can decode the key slot inside. There are other types of CY24 tools that work not just for vehicles. 


How to choose the right CY24 2-in-1 Pick


There are various brands of CY24 tools available in the industry. Buying too many CY24 may make the device redundant without adding value and function. It’s always good to buy a single device that can cater to many functions.




First, you need to choose a reputable brand of locksmith tools that can provide CY24 models. One of the biggest brands that provide CY24 is Genuine Lishi. Genuine Lishi is one of the most reputable brands that offer other locksmith work tools. 




As a car owner or homeowner, it’s worth keeping a CY24 around for convenient use. All you need to do is perform some research and watch a lot of resources on how to use the device. Nevertheless, the biggest question for you is, what are you using the CY24 for?


There are CY24 for various types of locks. You can find models of CY24 decoders for trucks and cars. Moreover, you need to consider the brand of vehicles you will unlock and decode.




A CY24 2-in-1 Pick is not a very big cost, but it’s still a significant amount for tools that you will use only once in a while. A CY24 can cost around 40 USD upwards.


Is CY24 2-in-1 Pick necessary?


The device is necessary for all professional locksmiths looking to offer services around the area. It’s a basic tool that unlocks and decodes car locks. With the number of car owners losing car keys and calling in for help, locksmiths should come prepared with all types of CY24 tools.


If you’re a vehicle owner, it’s not necessary to have a CY24. However, it’s one of the tools that are good to have in emergencies. If you have around 40 USD to spare and time to learn the tool, it will be helpful in urgent scenarios.



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