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Ever Wondered What's in a Slim Jim? Read Our Article About It

by Kobi Ben 13 Jan 2023 0 Comments
Ever Wondered What's in a Slim Jim? Read Our Article About It

Ever Wondered What's in a Slim Jim? Read Our Article About It

Imagine this scenario: it's evening, and you have a long night at work. You're ready to go home, take a shower, and relax. But as soon as you reached your car, you realized that you didn't have your keys with you. Worse, you remembered that you left it inside your office.


What do you do? If you're lucky, you have a spare key with you. If not, you'll have to call a locksmith to help you out. But what if there's no locksmith available?


You'll probably think about breaking into your car, but it might lead to damages later that your insurance company won't cover.


The best step is to invest in lockpicks and lockout devices, and one of the simplest out there is a slim jim.

What's in a Slim Jim?

Before we head into the reasons to buy this lockout tool, let's answer the basic question, what's in a slim jim?


A slim jim is a thin, flat strip of metal, such as stainless steel, that get into a window and a rubber seal. At the end of it is a hook, which you can then attach to a door rod. With some force, you can pull this rod that will hopefully unlock the door.


This device is popular for many reasons:


  • You don't have to work with any locking mechanisms. Door locks may appear simple, but the insides can be complex. Usually, they have cylinders, tumblers, and pins that you need to line up correctly to open the door. This can be a challenge, even for seasoned locksmiths. What's in a slim jim? It has simplicity. With it, you don't have to tinker any of these parts, even learn how they function.


  • Slim jims are relatively cheap. Depending on the quality, you can find one for as low as $5. You can also buy it along with the rest of a lockpick set, and it will still cost you less than a hundred dollars.


  • They're easy to use. What's in a slim jim? It's easy to use! Even if you don't have any experience in picking locks, you can use it without much trouble. The steps are easy to follow, and you don't need to put in too much effort.


  • It can get you out of many car-related sticky situations fast. If you've ever been locked out of your car before, you know how frustrating it can be. You might be in a hurry to get somewhere, or it's already late at night. With a slim jim, you can get back in your car and on the road in no time.

Choose the Right Slim Jim

Slim jims are a great addition to your lockpick or lockout systems, but there is a caveat. You should use them wisely. Otherwise, you'll end up with a rod that damages the door, preventing it from closing.


To make sure you have the right one for your needs, you can buy a set. So what's in a slim jim set? You will get several of its kind in different sizes and shapes. Some are thicker than others to ensure that you can use them for various vehicles.


The kit will also come with a lockout device and a broken key extractor. You can use the former to reach the car's interior without damaging it, while the latter helps you remove any broken keys from the ignition.

Pair the Slim Jim with a Door Strike Plate

There are times when the problem isn't opening the door but closing it. It could happen if:


  • You used the slim jim or other lockout tools incorrectly.
  • Someone attempted to break into your vehicle.
  • The car is old, and its parts, such as the door strike plate, aren't working well anymore.
  • You've met an accident that damaged the car door.


A door strike plate of a car is a metal plate that reinforces the space where the door latch connects to the frame. It keeps the latch in place and makes it harder for burglars to force their way in.


If you can't close your car door completely, get a new door strike plate. You can buy one at any auto or hardware store, or order it online.

Final Words

There are many reasons to have a slim jim in your lockpick or lockout system. It's simple to use, relatively cheap, and can get you in difficult situations quickly. Just make sure that you choose the right one for your needs and pair it with a door strike plate to improve the vehicle's security after successfully breaking it in.

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