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Have You Ever Needed a Broken Key Extractor? We've Got You Covered

by Kobi Ben 18 Jan 2023 0 Comments
Have You Ever Needed a Broken Key Extractor? We've Got You Covered

Have You Ever Needed a Broken Key Extractor? We've Got You Covered

When he finally arrived home, he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was park his car in the garage, unlock the door, and fall into bed.


However, when he got to his house, he found that his car key was broken off in the ignition. He tried to jimmy it open, but it was no use. He had no choice but to call a tow truck. The driver tried for over an hour to get the key out, but it was no use. The man had no choice but to spend the night on his porch.


On the other hand, it might not be a car. It could be the house. The front door is shut, but the key is inside, and it won't come out. The person could jimmy the lock, but that would damage the door.


Whether you've experienced this or not, it's clear that these situations are complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating. At the moment, all you want is to get the key out so you can move on with your day.


The good news is you have several solutions. Even better, one of these involves an affordable product called a broken key extractor.

What Is a Broken Key Extractor?

A broken key extractor is usually a part of the best lockpick set. But what is it, and what is a lockpick set?


A lockpick set is a collection of tools that are designed to open locks without the use of keys. These sets usually contain a variety of picks, tension bars, and levers. You might need the best lockpick set when:


  • You're a locksmith. These are your tools of the trade.
  • You've lost your keys. If you can't find them, you'll need to pick the lock open.
  • You want to learn how to pick locks. It's a fun hobby, and it might come in handy one day.
  • You inserted a key, and it broke. Now, you need to remove the key so you can get a new one made.


Using a lockpick set usually involves the following:


  • Insert a tension bar into the lock to hold it open.
  • Insert a pick into the lock and wiggle it around until you find the right pins.
  • Push or lever the pins up so they align with the shear line.
  • Turn the tension bar to open the lock.


Sounds easy, right? Well, not all of the time. It becomes more complicated when there's a broken key stuck in the door lock. For this, you need a broken key extractor.


A key extractor is a small hand-held tool that looks a lot like a hook. It's inserted into the lock along with a tension bar. The extractor is then used to grab onto the broken key so it can be removed from the lock.

Broken Key Extractor Buying Tips

Not all key extractors are created equal. Here are some factors you should keep in mind when shopping for one, especially if you're eyeing the best lockpick set too:


  • Note the size and shape. There are different sizes and shapes of extractors, so you'll need to find one that's compatible with your lock. You might also want to get a few different sizes so you have options.


  • Check the handle. The handle is where you'll be gripping the extractor, so it needs to be comfortable. Look for a material that's easy to grip and won't slip out of your hand when wet.


  • Consider the price. Key extractors can range in price from $5 to $50. It's important to find one that's affordable but also high-quality. You don't want the extractor to break while you're using it.


  • Compare features. Some extractors come with a built-in tension bar, while others don't. Some are also made of stainless steel, which is more durable. Consider what features are important to you and compare your options.


  • Find a shop that offers plenty of lockpick products. This way, you can buy a broken key extractor and a lockpick set all in one place. Not to mention, you'll get expert advice on which products are right for you.

Final Words

A key extractor is a handy tool to have on hand, especially if you're a locksmith or you like to pick locks. It can be used to remove a broken key from a door lock so you can get a new one made.


When shopping for an extractor, keep in mind the size, shape, and price. You'll also want to find a shop that offers the best lockpick set. This way, you can save time and money by getting all you need in one place.



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