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How to Choose the Best Automotive Key Cutting Machine for Your Business.

by Kobi Ben 20 Apr 2022 0 Comments
How to Choose the Best Automotive Key Cutting Machine for Your Business.

If you're in the locksmith business, then you know that an automotive key cutting machine is a must-have. This piece of equipment allows you to quickly and easily cut keys for cars and trucks, which can save you a lot of time and money.

The market has many different types of automotive key cutting machines, so it can be difficult to decide which one is right for your business.

That's why you need to read this blog post. We will discuss the different kinds of automotive key cutting machines, their benefits, and tips on how to choose the best one for your needs.

Types of Automotive Key Cutting Machines

First, what is an automotive key cutting machine? It is a device that can be used to create duplicate keys for cars and trucks.

Right now, there are three main types of automotive key cutting machines:

1. Manual Key Machines

These machines are the most basic and least expensive option. They require you to insert the key that you want to copy and then use a file to cut the new key.

Manual key machines are slow and can be difficult to use, so they are not a good choice for businesses that need to make a lot of keys.


  • Low cost
  • Portable
  • Easy to find


  • Slow
  • Difficult to use


  • If you're just starting out, a manual key machine may be a good option.
  • Look for a machine that is durable and easy to use. Avoid machines made from cheap materials, such as plastic.

2. ​​​Semiautomatic Key Machines

Semiautomatic key machines are a step up from manual key machines. They are faster and easier to use, and they require less muscle power.

With a semiautomatic key machine, you insert the key that you want to copy and then use a lever to start the cutting process.

Semiautomatic machines are a good choice for businesses that need to make a lot of keys.


  • Faster than manual machines
  • Easier to use
  • Require less muscle power


  • More expensive than manual machines

Tip: If you need to make a lot of keys, a semiautomatic key machine is a good option.

3. Automatic Key Machines

Automatic key machines are the fastest and most expensive option. They are fully automated and can make keys very quickly. A laser key cutting machine is an example of this.

With an automatic key machine, you insert the key that you want to copy, and the machine does the rest. If it is a laser key cutting machine, it works by using a laser to cut the new key.

Automatic key machines are a good choice for businesses that need to make a lot of keys quickly.


  • Fast
  • Fully automated


  • Expensive

Tip: If you need to make a lot of keys quickly, an automatic key machine is a good option.

Benefits of Using an Automotive Key Cutting Machine

Using automotive key cutting machines offers many benefits to a locksmith. These pieces of equipment can save you time and money by allowing you to quickly and easily cut keys for cars and trucks.

They are also very accurate, so you won't have to worry about making mistakes when cutting keys. Additionally, using this can help you expand your business by allowing you to offer key duplication services.

Common Features of Automotive Key Cutting Machines

Now that you know the different types of automotive key cutting machines and their benefits, let's take a look at some of the common features that these machines have.

Most automotive key cutting machines are made from durable materials, such as steel. They also have a lever used to start the cutting process.

They may also share several components. For example, many machines use a vise to hold the key in place while it is being cut.

However, modern options have more advanced features. A laser key cutting machine uses light to cut the new key, which is much more accurate than using a file. Some machines also come with a built-in dust collector to keep the work area clean.

Tips on How to Buy an Automotive Key Cutting Machine

When choosing automotive key cutting machines for your business, keep a few things in mind:

  • Consider the types of keys you will be cutting most often. If you only cut standard keys, then a manual machine may be all you need. However, if you plan on cutting transponder keys or chip keys, then look for more advanced options, like a laser key cutting machine.
  • Think about how many keys you will need to cut at once. If you plan on cutting a lot of keys, then an automatic machine may be a good choice.
  • Don't forget to factor in the cost. Automotive key cutting machines can be expensive, but they are worth the investment if you plan on doing a lot of key cutting.
  • Read reviews. Before buying automotive key cutting machines, be sure to read reviews about the brands and sellers from other business owners.

Automotive key cutting machines are essential for any locksmith business. They offer many benefits, including accuracy, speed, and the ability to expand your services. However, it is vital to pick the best one. Use the tips above as your shopping guide.

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