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If You Are Looking for a Car Slim Jim, Look No Further

by Kobi Ben 23 Jan 2023 0 Comments
If You Are Looking for a Car Slim Jim, Look No Further

If You Are Looking for a Car Slim Jim, Look No Further

Here's the thing about being locked out of a car: it's not fun. It's especially not great when it's cold outside, you're in a hurry, or both. Things can also get worse when you cannot find assistance immediately.


Because of this, you should consider getting a device that can open a car door in case of an emergency. A good pick should be easy to use, even if you're not an experienced locksmith. Additionally, it should be small enough to carry with you without being too conspicuous. One option is a slim jim.


This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about car slim jims, including how they work and where to find the best ones.

What Is a Car Slim Jim?

Usually, when you hear the term "slim jim," the first thing that comes into your mind is a meaty snack. In the world of locksmithing, it is a simple but effective lockout tool.


It is a long thin strip of metal, usually stainless steel, with a hook in one of its ends. It works by inserting the hook end in between the rubber seal and the window, hooking the rod, and then pulling the strip up to unlock the door.


This device then offers the following benefits:


  • You don't need to use a lockpick. A lockpick is an instrument that tackles the locking mechanism of a door, such as that of a car. For example, you can use it to manipulate the cylinders, tumblers, and pins inside the lock. With a slim jim, you don't have to go through all of that because it is not a lockpick and doesn't touch any of the parts of a vehicle's door lock.


  • It is quick and easy to use. Lockpicks come in various designs and features, some of which can be complicated to use even by professional locksmiths. A slim jim is probably one of the simplest lockout devices out there. In fact, you can fashion it by yourself, although it is not advisable.


  • Slim jims are affordable. You can purchase a good-quality and durable car slim jim for less than $20.

Buy a Slim Jim at Yellow Key Supply

It's quite easy to make your own slim jim, but doing it DIY is not the best idea. Here are a few reasons why:


  • It can damage the car door when you're not careful. First, your strip may be too wide or big to comfortably enter in between the rubber seal and the window. In the process, you can damage the frame. Second, if you're not careful, you might pull the rod too strong that it detaches from the vehicle. The door won't open anymore even with a car key.


  • Some vehicles have added security features. For many years, slim jims have received a bad reputation since thieves can also use them for the same purpose. To avoid thievery, newer models now have extra security layers, making opening their car doors more difficult, if not impossible.


Instead of making a slim jim from scratch, buy one from Yellow Key Supply. This store specializes in providing high-quality automotive locksmith tools and supplies, including a variety of slim jims.


A car slim jim here is not only effective but also safe to use. Each one is crafted from durable yet flexible materials, with just the right size and thickness. The hooks are also designed not to damage the door or its frame in any way. Some are already sets, with slim jims of different sizes and shapes for a more customized approach.


With Yellow Key Supply, you can also easily expand your tools by purchasing lockpick sets, which already include wrench sets, tension tools, and other useful items. These are available for both beginner and experienced locksmiths.


Lastly, Yellow Key Supply sells more advanced lockout devices for vehicles. Take, for example, a key programmer and a fob, which can quickly create or copy a new key for your car.


This is ideal if you've lost your keys and don't have any spares. You can also use it as an extra security measure to avoid lockouts in the future. These devices are more expensive than slim jims, but they offer better protection and convenience. They also work for many car models and brands.

Final Words

A car slim jim is a simple but effective lockout tool. It is quick and easy to use, and it doesn't require any special skills or training. You can buy one at Yellow Key Supply, where you can also find other useful automotive locksmith tools and supplies.

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