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The Key Making Machine Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Buying, Using, and Maintaining.

by Kobi Ben 22 Mar 2022 0 Comments
The Key Making Machine Guide: Everything You Need to Know About Buying, Using, and Maintaining.

If you are a business owner looking for a way to make key duplication easier and faster, then you may be considering purchasing a key making machine.

Key machines come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, with different features and benefits. It can be difficult to determine which key machine is right for your needs, but this guide will help you figure out what to look for when buying one.

We will also discuss the cost of different types of key machines and where to find the best deals. Finally, we will give you some tips for using your key machine correctly and efficiently.

Types of Key Machines

There are three main types of key machines on the market today: manual, semiautomatic, and automatic.

A manual key machine requires you to use your hand to push and pull the keys through the machine to duplicate them.

This can be a slow process and is not recommended for businesses that need to make a large number of duplicates quickly.

However, manual machines are typically less expensive than semiautomatic or automatic machines. If you're still testing the waters, you might want to start with this.

A semiautomatic key making machine is faster than a manual machine, but it still requires some user input. With it, you insert the key blank into the machine and then use the foot pedal to duplicate it.

This type of machine is a good option for businesses that need to make medium-sized batches of duplicates quickly. On the downside, semiautomatic machines can be more expensive than manual machines.

An automatic key making machine is the fastest and most efficient type of key machine available. With an automatic key machine, you simply place the keys in the designated spot, and they will be automatically duplicated.

It duplicates keys without any user input, making it perfect for high-volume businesses. However, these machines are also the most expensive option.

Cost of a Key Making Machine

The cost of a key machine varies depending on its type and features. Manual machines typically cost less than semiautomatic or automatic machines.

Semiautomatic machines range in price from around $100 to $300, while automatic machines can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500.

You can buy a key making machine from any hardware store or online retailer, such as Amazon and eBay. If you want to save money, consider purchasing a used machine instead of buying it new.

Note, though, that a used machine may not be as efficient or effective. You should always inspect it closely before purchasing one.

You may also need to consider several factors when making a purchase:

1. The Number of Keys to Duplicate

If you only have a few keys that require duplicates on an infrequent basis, then manual machines might work best for your business.

However, if you plan on making high volumes of duplicates daily or weekly, then semiautomatic and automatic machines may be better suited to your needs.

Semiautomatic machines are ideal when duplicating medium volumes at once (e.g., 100 to 200 copies), while automatic ones should be used for high volumes (e.g., more than 200 copies).

2. The Type of Keys to Duplicate

You should also consider the type of keys that you will be duplicating. If all the locks in your business use standard keys, then any key machine should work for you.

If not, however, then you need to choose a machine with a higher cutting stroke, so it can handle thicker and longer keys.

3. Key Making Machine Features

You should also think about the features you want in your key making machines. These can include different types of key duplication, such as those made from standard or high-security blanks.

They may also include automatic clamping devices and the ability to duplicate keys without needing a code card. It's up to you how much you want to spend on these features. Just keep in mind that they'll add to your costs.

Tips for Using a Key Machine Correctly and Efficiently

Once you've purchased your key machine, it's important to know how to use it correctly and efficiently. Here are a few tips:

1. Read the Manual

This may seem like common sense, but it's important to read the entire manual before using your key machine. This will ensure that you know how to operate it correctly and avoid any accidents.

Make sure you understand all of the instructions, as well as how to change the settings on the machine. Each machine is different, so make sure you know how to use the specific one you own.

If you don't have a manual, you can typically find them online by doing a quick Google search. Manuals are also often included with the purchase of a key machine.

2. Maintain the Key Making Machine

In addition to reading the manual, perform some basic maintenance. This includes cleaning the machine and changing the blades or cutters as needed.

If you don't maintain your key machine, it will not work as efficiently and may even break down. Cleaning and maintaining your machine is a quick and easy way to ensure that it lasts for years.

3. Handle the Machine Properly

When using your key machine, make sure the keys are inserted all the way into the slots to avoid damaging them. Clean out any oil residue before starting a new job, so it doesn't get on your work surface.

To keep lubricant off your clothes or hands when working with a key machine, use gloves or protective coverings over areas where there may be contact with liquids.

If you have trouble inserting blank keys into their designated slot, try wrapping some tape around one end of each blank key, so they fit snugly inside without falling out easily.

4. Store the Machine Safely

When not in use, make sure to store your key machine in a safe place. This will protect it from damage and ensure that it's ready for use when you need it. Key machines can be quite expensive, so taking care of them is important.

If you're looking for a way to make keys, consider purchasing a key machine. They can be used for many different purposes, from making copies of house keys to car locksmithing and more.

However, it's important that you choose the right one based on your needs before buying anything else. There are lots of options available today, so take some time to research them and find one that's perfect for you.

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