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Commercial Door Locks - How to keep your business safe, 3 strategies for maximum protection.

by Kobi Ben 10 Mar 2022 0 Comments
Commercial Door Locks - How to keep your business safe, 3 strategies for maximum protection.

Running a business is hard work. There are so many things to think about - from sales and marketing to product development and logistics. But one of the most important aspects of owning a business is keeping it safe.

Fortunately, you can implement several strategies to ensure your business is as protected as possible. We will discuss six different ways to keep your business safe. Let's get started!

1. Invest in Commercial Doors

One of the best ways to protect your business is by installing commercial doors. These are usually much more durable than residential doors. They come with commercial door locksets, which makes it difficult for criminals to force their way in.

Commercial entrance and exit doors generally have a sturdier frame and are made from thicker material. They also include stronger hardware options like deadbolts that have been tested against fire, smoke, impact, and burglary.

The majority of commercial doors feature a commercial-grade closer that regulates how quickly the door closes behind you when you leave the building or enter it after hours. As a bonus, many commercial entrance systems are ADA compliant!

When investing in commercial safety solutions like these for business premises, commercial door locksets are an essential aspect of a commercial entrance system. This type of lock is designed to withstand more force than a residential lock.

In addition, commercial door locksets have better strike plates and stronger doorframes that can withstand higher pressure or impact. You should also choose commercial door hardware with tamper-resistant technology that makes it harder for would-be thieves to pick the lock or use other methods to get in.

Commercial doors are not only essential for your building's security but are also necessary protection against fire hazards and natural disasters like hurricanes or tornadoes.

2. Change Old Commercial Door Locksets

Another way to keep your business safe is by regularly changing the locks on your commercial doors. This may seem like an unnecessary expense, but it's a crucial step in protecting your company from theft and other security breaches.

Oftentimes, businesses don't think about changing their commercial door locksets until it's too late. A lockset that was adequate a few years ago may not be strong enough to deter criminals today.

In fact, many burglars will attempt to enter a building by picking the lock or using a stolen key. Your business needs a robust commercial door lock that can't be easily compromised.

Changing your commercial door locksets every few years is one of the easiest ways to improve security for your business. It also sends a message to potential criminals that your business is taking security seriously and is not an easy target.

3. Choose Honest and Reliable Employees

One of the best ways to keep your business safe is by hiring honest and reliable employees. Background checks are a must-do for any business, but it's also essential to take other steps to vet potential employees.

Some things you can do include:

  • Checking references: This can help you learn more about how honest or reliable the employee is. You can check references by calling previous employers or friends who may have worked with them before.
  • Doing a drug test: Drug tests can help you determine if the employee has been using drugs recently and whether he/she might be under the influence of illegal substances on the job site (which could pose safety hazards).
  • Running background checks: Background checks are another way to learn more about an individual's history, including any criminal convictions that may indicate they're not suitable for employment at your company.
  • Interviewing in-person: You want to get a feel for how well they will fit with your company culture, as well as their level of honesty and responsibility.
  • Looking for red flags: Certain behaviors or warning signs could indicate an employee might not be honest or reliable. Watch out for employees who try to avoid questions, have a history of being terminated from jobs, or seem to be in a hurry to start working.

If you take the time to carefully vet your employees, you can increase the chances that they're honest and reliable. This, in turn, will make it less likely for them to steal from your commercial space.

3. Install CCTVs

Another way to keep your business safe is by installing CCTVs. This will help you keep an eye on what's happening in and around your building at all times.

CCTVs can be a valuable tool for monitoring employee activity, deterring crime, and capturing footage of criminal activity if it does occur.

These pieces of equipment have different components:

  • Monitors: These displays show live footage from the cameras in real-time or recorded video when it's not being used.
  • Recorders (DVRs): These devices record everything that happens during your business hours so you can review later if needed. They come with hard drives where recordings are stored either permanently or temporarily depending on how long they need to be saved for future reference. The DVR will save the most recent footage first before overwriting older videos as space becomes available again.
  • Cameras: A camera is what captures images and sends them back to a monitor, which then displays those images on the screen for everyone else watching at home or wherever they may be located around town/worldwide via internet connection access points

Place CCTVs in key areas of your business such as the entrance, cash registers, stock rooms, and loading docks. This will help you have a full view of what's going on at all times.

If you're not sure where to start when it comes to choosing CCTV systems for your business, consult with a security expert who can recommend the right system for your needs.

When installing CCTVs, be sure to keep the following in mind:

  • Position the cameras so they can't easily be blocked by objects or people.
  • Make sure the footage is clear and easy to view.
  • Ensure that the camera lens isn't obscured by dirt, dust, or snow.
  • Regularly review footage to ensure that it's still functioning properly and hasn't been damaged.

Keeping your business safe is essential for protecting your assets and ensuring that you're running a smooth operation. There are many different strategies you can implement to make your business safer, such as installing CCTVs, investing in commercial doors, and checking old commercial door locksets. By using these tips, you can help reduce the chances of theft or other criminal activity happening in your commercial space.

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