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How to Use Key Coder

by Kobi Ben 18 Aug 2022 0 Comments
How to Use Key Coder

Probably, you have seen a locksmith duplicate a key through a machine that copies the key patterns. But, can locksmiths create a duplicate key without the original key? To answer that, you need to understand how a key coder machine works. 


As its name implies, a key coder is a part of a machine that creates a key through its lock codes. The key code machine can create the first key or the duplicate through its code source or master key system chart. The key code consists of a series of alphabets and letters to generate the key. 


Types of Key Coder


There are two related key code types. First, the blind code is the preliminary code needed to convert the codes into a bitting code – the second type of key code. The blind code requires a chart or computer program to process the code.


These charts and programs are usually exclusive to licensed locksmiths and locksmith service providers. That way, only trusted locksmiths can duplicate or create a key through code. 


On the other hand, the bitting code is the converted blind code. It includes the relevant information in cutting the blank key. Each number in the code corresponds to the depth and spacing of the cut. 


Key Coder Machine Process


The key coder machine can be manual or electric. Furthermore, it uses cutting blades to cut the blank key by translating the information from the code. Some key coder machines have several cutters to generate key patterns on their right depths, spacings, and angles. 


If you are curious about the key coder process, listed below are some vital steps in the key coder machine process. 

  1. Prepare the Cutters


The code machine requires cutters to shape the pattern of the keys. It is best to use the cutters that come with the purchased code machine to prevent errors in creating the key. Most automatic key code machines use only a single cutter that can vary depths, spacings, and angles. 


On the other hand, manual key code machines have different cutters. The appropriate cutter depends on the chart provided by the manufacturer or the processed code by the program. 

  1. Find the Key Code


The key code is an integral part of generating a new key through the key code machine. It consists of numbers and letters (for blind code) or letters only (for bitting code). One may find the code in the following places: 

  • Engraved on the original key
  • On the housing of the lock
  • On the car’s manual (for car keys)
  • On the metal plate of the glove compartment of the car (for car keys)


If you can’t find the key code, you can try to ask the manufacturer. Once identified, you can check the appropriate chart or use software to generate the bitting code. 

  1. Produce the Key


Key code machines may differ from one another, especially manual and automatic machines. However, no matter what machine it is, the first step in cutting the key is clipping it on its holder. Then, turn on the machine and follow the code found. 


Depending on the brand or model of the key code machine, the code generated corresponds to the depth and spacing of the key patterns. It is best to study the chart and the codes to produce a key accurately and precisely. 

  1. Try the New Key


After creating the key by code, it is essential to try to open the lock with the newly-produced key. Common errors in using the key code machine are wrong input and conversion of the code. Also, errors in following the code’s required depth and spacing can be the problem. Lastly, wrong cutting blades for manual key code machines can also be a possible issue. 


To troubleshoot problems, don’t hesitate to check the manual of the key machine. 


Key Coder Cutting Service


For emphasis, the standard key duplication requires the original key to copy the depth and spacing of the key. On the other hand, the key code cutting needs a specific code to create or duplicate a key. 


Most of the time, only locksmiths and locksmith companies have the key code machine to produce keys. As professionals, they can interpret the data from the code with accuracy. 




Unlike key duplication, where the key owner needs to give the original key, key code cutting is the process of creating a key by code. The key code machine is responsible for processing the code given by the locks. Modern lock systems may require charts or software to convert the blind to bitting code. 


The numerical numbers in the bitting code correspond to the depth and spacing of the key patterns. Using the key code machine requires skills and knowledge to interpret the code and create the key flawlessly. Furthermore, the right cutting blades should be considered, especially for manual key code machines. 



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