Keys & Remotes
2007-2015 CADILLAC / 5-Button Keyless Entry Remote / OUC6000066 / (AFTERMARKET)
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Trainings - Live and On Demand
Recorded On-Demand Training - ACDP FULL Course - Master Solder-Free Programming
Recorded On-Demand Training - Auto 101 - Complete Automotive Locksmith Course
Recorded On-Demand Training - Audi / VW MQB Locked Instrument Clusters Using Xhorse Products
Recorded On-Demand Training - Automotive EEPROM and Advanced Key Programming
Recorded On-Demand Training - Introduction to the World of Automotive Locksmithing (Hebrew)
Recorded On-Demand Training - Automotive Edge-Cut & High-Security Lishi Course
Locks & Cylinders
Tools & Accessories
New Arrivals
Lowest Priced Locksmith Supplier
UHS Hardware is a locksmith supplier in Miami. We supply commercial & residential door hardware, door locks, car keys, smart keys, keyless entry remotes, fobiks, and more. We also offer Autel Key Programmers, car keys for sale, Xhorse Condor automatic key cutting machines, picks, door openers, drills, and everything you need to successfully start and run your locksmith business - including a locksmith class or locksmith course to help you hone your skills!
UHS Hardware is proud to be THE leading professional locksmith supplier for locksmith wholesale supplies in the United States. Our main goal is to provide our clients with the most variety of professional tools at the best prices. Fast, free shipping is offered to 48 continental states, and international shipping is available. Discover all your locksmith tools in one spot and get it quickly and easily with UHS Hardware.